20 Facts About Me

  1. I’m 18 years old.
  2. My name is September and my birthday is in September! My parents didn’t plan this, I was supposed to be born in August and they had already planned the name!
  3. I’m vegan.
  4. My diet literally only consists of avocados and coconut water
  5. I am a virgo libra cusp. My moon sign is Cancer and my ascendant sign is Leo. I found my natal chart at Cafe Astrology.
  6. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  7. My favorite type of music is indie, lofi, and psychedelic music.
  8. My go to binge series is Keeping up with the Kardashians and The Beverly Hills Brat on Youtube.
  9. I work at Jamba Juice.
  10. I hate doing my makeup.
  11. I’m learning 10 languages.
  12. I’m in school to become a doctor.
  13. I love playing ukulele and guitar.
  14. My ultimate dream travel destinations are Japan and Greece.
  15. I have a little sister named Mia. She’s one years old.
  16. I’ve never been into a Sephora or an Ulta.
  17. My favorite food is vegan sushi and spaghetti.
  18. I have pierced my hand before. I have my septum, nose, labret, industrial pierced. I used to have my eyebrow pierced.
  19. I have three bulldogs. Their names are Dozer, Luna, and Aspen.
  20. I’m starting a Youtube channel! Subscribe to Her Happy Habits on YouTube.

Author: herhappyhabits

happy as a bumble bee

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